Di cosa mi occupo

Di cosa mi occupo

Ansia, fobie, attacchi di panico, ipocondria

Inthera boasts clean and crispy design, bulletproof layout consistency and intuitive navigation. The theme was created by top industry leaders in web design and user experience. Improve your audience engagement and loyalty with simple and user friendly tools offered by our theme.

Depressione e disturbo bipolare

Inthera boasts clean and crispy design, bulletproof layout consistency and intuitive navigation. The theme was created by top industry leaders in web design and user experience. Improve your audience engagement and loyalty with simple and user friendly tools offered by our theme.

Ossessioni e compulsioni

Inthera boasts clean and crispy design, bulletproof layout consistency and intuitive navigation. The theme was created by top industry leaders in web design and user experience. Improve your audience engagement and loyalty with simple and user friendly tools offered by our theme.

Disturbi del sonno

Inthera boasts clean and crispy design, bulletproof layout consistency and intuitive navigation. The theme was created by top industry leaders in web design and user experience. Improve your audience engagement and loyalty with simple and user friendly tools offered by our theme.

Disturbi del comportamento alimentare (bulimia, anoressia)

Inthera boasts clean and crispy design, bulletproof layout consistency and intuitive navigation. The theme was created by top industry leaders in web design and user experience. Improve your audience engagement and loyalty with simple and user friendly tools offered by our theme.

Abuso e Dipendenze patologiche da sostanze (alcool, droga)

La dipendenza (oggi si usa il concetto più generale di Addiction) è una alterazione del comportamento che da semplice o comune abitudine diventa una ricerca esagerata e patologica del piacere attraverso mezzi o sostanze o comportamenti che sfociano nella condizione patologica.

La persona, diventando dipendente, perde il controllo sulla stessa vita e, benchè desideri uscirne, i tentativi che fa in questo senso si rivelano per lo più fallimentari.

La dipendenza, quindi, nasce ad esempio dal consumo regolare di una sostanza psicoattiva legale sulle quali la persona perde il controllo (gioco d’azzardo, anoressia, bulimia).

Gioco d'azzardo patologico

Per disturbo da gioco d’azzardo si intende un comportamento di gioco persistente, ricorrente e inadeguato, caratterizzato da un eccessivo coinvolgimento in termini di tempo, spazio, denaro e spazio mentale occupato dal gioco. Nonstante la persona sia consapevole di danneggiare sè stesso e la propria famiglia, non riesce a fermarsi, spinto dalla speranza che “questa è la volta buona”.


Inthera boasts clean and crispy design, bulletproof layout consistency and intuitive navigation. The theme was created by top industry leaders in web design and user experience. Improve your audience engagement and loyalty with simple and user friendly tools offered by our theme.

Valutazioni neuropsicologiche dopo una lesione cerebrale

Inthera boasts clean and crispy design, bulletproof layout consistency and intuitive navigation. The theme was created by top industry leaders in web design and user experience. Improve your audience engagement and loyalty with simple and user friendly tools offered by our theme.